Search Results for: State Govts
India News
PM’s photo on Covid-19 vaccination certificate: Kerala HC calls for Govt views after petitioner seeks to know why
Petitioner seeks Kerala HC help to get a certificate without the PM’s photo.
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Press Releases
MoHUA and MoR jointly ink MoU with JICA for Project SMART
The Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and the Ministry of Railways jointly signed an MoU with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for ‘Stati
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India News
Modi Launches Ujjwala 2.0 Scheme, Congress Asks To Give Rs 400 To Buy Cylinders
Adding more beneficiaries will put more pressure on India’s LPG imports. The country already imports 55% of its LPG usages, according to the official data. PM M
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Walnut cultivators in Kashmir hope for govt’s market intervention
Given the huge share of walnuts, people say that they face hardships as the rates are quite low which discourages them year after year in continuing with the cu
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