Mind Coach Radhika

Press Releases

UB Group joyous moments with Alejandro Jorge Tornato on World Environment Day

UB Group celebrated the glorious careers of prominent leaders from around the globe, leading by example w

Press Releases

Mental health is slowly becoming a reason to seek a deviation

Man's evolution may not have included the kind of deviation humans made from a personal space of trust. A

India News

Radhika Kawlra Singh Shaping the Mental Edge in Top Indian Athletes

India’s top Mind Trainer Radhika Kawlra Singh has been utilizing applied psychology principles in trainin

Press Releases

Radhika Kawlra Singh’s trilogy of ‘YOU’, books facilitate sizeable positivity

“Your soul travel will create the dictate for creating several road maps and may take multiple lifetimes

Press Releases

Art borrows from life to trigger empowerment

The year of 2020 has witnessed an unchartered phenomenon. Many raged at the futility of their past endeav

Press Releases

Twenty reasons why I should consult to a mind coach?

Radhika Kawlra Singh has created a thorough impact on the minds of the country’s top-ranked men and women


Eight ways to enable productive thinking: Radhika Kawlra Singh

Each time you have a thought, it creates a new reality - feeling happy or, sad is a state of your own mak

Press Releases

Are We Hypnotised To Become Stressed? Breaking The Hypnosis Myth!

Radhika Kawlra Singh has been a practicing hypnotist for several years. She believes, “the process of hyp

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